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Refunds & Discounts

Learn more about our refund policy and how to get exclusive discounts on your next order!

How can I get a discount?

Looking to buy a new JoJo and would love to get an exclusive discount? Learn about a few ways that you can get up to 25% off on your next order!

I've already returned my order. Where is my refund?

Already mailed your return? Your refund was processed, but you still don't see the refund you were expecting? This article has the answers you're looking for!

My discount code was not applied! What should I do?

Had an issue when adding a discount code at checkout? Were you charged full price for an item that was on sale? No worries. We can help you with a discount adjustment!

How do I use a store credit or gift card?

Have a store credit, but aren't sure how to use it on your next Dona Jo order? This article is for you!